K–12 Infographics
Hemet Unified School District’s executive cabinet wanted a series of infographics with key performance, safety, and engagement indicators so they could could make informed decisions during leadership meetings.
Using an Excel-to-InDesign data merge, the final product became 5 separate layouts, printed into (4) 36×54 posters, (48) 11×17 place mats, and (12) data flip books.
Also, because it’s data-merged, the color-coded circles and trend arrows will update easily as new figures come in.
Crisis Link
Working with the Director of Policy and Plans for the Pentagon’s Defense Suicide Prevention Office, I built a series of data dashboards in Tableau to help communicate PRS CrisisLink’s organizational targets while also facilitating a sense of meaningful progress within crisis workers and volunteers.
I then screen-captured the process for building the dashboards so PRS CrisisLink could take ownership going forward. The videos linked here come from that playlist.
6 months after delivering the dashboards, CrisisLink invested in Tableau as an organization and secured a contract as an overflow provider for the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline—more than doubling their call volume within 6 months’ time.
Hemet USD
Although Edlio built our district’s new website on top of their CMS, I led the web design portion of the project internally. Upon the site’s deployment, we were highlighted as Edlio’s Featured Website Design of the Week.
Our design is now available to schools nationwide.

Pando Education
Pando Education is the company I own and operate. We provide creative services and specialize in building learning content for K-12 education.

Pacific Dental Services
Pacific Dental Services is a leading dental service organization that provides support to practices nationwide.
Their partnership with Gloo was unique in scale, and inspired collaboration with Arizona State University’s Center for Games and Impact.
As a collab project between multiple parties, a unique interface was needed to create a single user experience. The XD and PDF files linked below contain v2 of our efforts to combine three platforms into one.

Gloo is a tech startup that works to help various organizations develop their people.
I led a team of internal instructional designers and creatives, as well as third-party development and creative firms to translate our clients’ curricula into customized learning content on the Gloo platform.
CTE Pathway
Here’s an overview for a CTE course I am working to make a reality for our students. It combines each of the elements of STEAM as well as California’s new computer science standards into a CTE pathway that delivers industry certifications to entry-level tech careers.
Flow is a higher education startup that works to help colleges and universities manage their entire cycle—from recruitment to alumni engagement.

Agriculture Product Page
Here is a product page template that I made for a large seed company based out of the midwest.
Team Banner
It may be a bit of a stretch to call a vinyl banner a document, but when the Menifee Youth Soccer Under 4 team want to be called the “McQueens,” well, do you really have a choice?
Miscellaneous Documents
I’ve made more posters, flyers, invitations, and documents than I can remember, but if you’d like, please feel free to click below for a folder with some additional samples.